Well, guess what? Summer is over and winter was approaching quickly and I did not want to spend another long winter in Montana so here I am back in Oregon, only this time, I'm giving Bend a go. So far, so good! I don't think winter will be as cold or as long here in central Oregon as it is in SW Montana, and being a good 1,000 feet lower in elevation can't hurt.
Bend is a beautiful town and the population is made up mostly of very energetic, outdoorsey, professional people who take their recreating seriously. Is there a law in Bend that everyone has to own a kayak? Never seen so many kayaks on car roof racks as driving up the Cascade Lakes Highway yesterday. Kayaks and mountain bikes. I guess if I was back in MT right now it would be pick up trucks loaded with dead animals in the back so I'll be happy to look at kayaks and bikes, thank you.
Now that I've been here for two weeks, I've started getting somewhat settled into the new pad and Maggie the Wonder Dog and I have managed to get out last weekend to find a few chanterelles and then this weekend to do some photographing of central Oregon and the multitude of lakes and mountains (actually volcanoes). Here is a sampling of some photos from the last two weeks.